Secure Your Security Key in on-chip SRAM: Techniques to avoid Data Remanance Attacks

Security protection in modern microcontroller's logic devices with memories is based on the assumption that information from the memory disappears completely after erasing or when the power to the memory is removed. After information in memory is erased there may be some physical characteristics of the memory that allow erased data to be reconstructed. Data Remanence poses a serious threat to widespread applications that support this security protection assumption. This paper presents the effects of Data Remanance and techniques to avoid Security Key retrieval by data remanence attacks.


VoIP Security: Scenarios, challenges and counter measures-PART III

Voice over IP offers organizations lower telecommunications costs and greater network efficiency through convergence of voice, data and video. It can be used to stay connected during an emergency or calamity, giving employees access to their phone resources from IP phones at other locations. The rate at which VoIP is growing has given rise to network security concerns that need to be addressed as early as possible. NIST issued a report titled "Security Consideration for Voice Over IP Systems" last year, which focuses on VoIP security problems and recommendations, and highlights the current level of concern.


VoIP Security: Scenarios, challenges and counter measures-PART II

Voice over IP offers organizations lower telecommunications costs and greater network efficiency through convergence of voice, data and video. It can be used to stay connected during an emergency or calamity, giving employees access to their phone resources from IP phones at other locations. The rate at which VoIP is growing has given rise to network security concerns that need to be addressed as early as possible. NIST issued a report titled "Security Consideration for Voice Over IP Systems" last year, which focuses on VoIP security problems and recommendations, and highlights the current level of concern.


VoIP Security: Scenarios, challenges and counter measures-PART I

Voice over IP offers organizations lower telecommunications costs and greater network efficiency through convergence of voice, data and video. It can be used to stay connected during an emergency or calamity, giving employees access to their phone resources from IP phones at other locations. The rate at which VoIP is growing has given rise to network security concerns that need to be addressed as early as possible. NIST issued a report titled "Security Consideration for Voice Over IP Systems" last year, which focuses on VoIP security problems and recommendations, and highlights the current level of concern.
