“How Secure Is AES Against Brute Force Attacks?” Tops IoT stories of 2013 by EETIMES

Snippet from EETIMES “10 Top IoT Stories of 2013” Dated Jan-8th, 2014

“The most viewed IoT story of the year revealed readers’ curiosity is closely allied with a sense of insecurity. Mohit Arora, a security architect at Freescale, wrote an analysis with the provocative titleHow Secure Is AES Against Brute Force Attacks? that got 29,589 views.

You can breathe a sigh of relief. He concluded:

AES has never been cracked yet and is safe against any brute force attacks contrary to belief and arguments. However, the key size used for encryption should always be large enough that it could not be cracked by modern computers.

For Complete Story : How Secure is AES against Brute Force Attacks“ (eetimes)